Here’s a little secret worth knowing about many successful people, in case you are someone who is currently working hard at staying one of them or if instead you’re wanting to become one.
Instead of feeling consistent joy at the results of their efforts, more often thank not, successful people feel lonely, misunderstood, dissatisfied, unseen and frankly, terrified.
Many live with an imposter complex leaving them fearing being found out as incapable or unqualified. Worse is that they often have no where to go with the whole story of what’s really happening because they have to save face in different ways in each area of their life, leaving nowhere to be fully seen.
How do I know? I’ve been studying human behavior my whole life and now the majority of my coaching clients fall into this category as well giving me a front row seat to the show as well as a deep compassion and understanding for the predicament.
They live in duality. One part understandably content with the practical success of house/s, car/s, salary, vacation/s, family with 2.5 kids, 401ks etc and the other dissatisfied with how it all feels.
Disconnected in their relationships, exhausted, joy bar set too low, “it’s fine” the mantra or “it’s not that bad” or “I should feel grateful” and settling for a life that looks the part but feels miles from what their heart wanted. Looks good on paper but feels empty.
For me coaching is as much a place as it is a process. It’s a space to meet up and explore together what’s going on there in the world that is you…the “all” of you. My clients say it’s where they can take a deep breath, be totally honest, get the truth back in return (which for them is both a rarity and a gift) and they get to be fully seen and supported.
Yes then we get down to business and move the needle in their life but not without first knowing how they want to feel and what a whole and transparent life would look like.
If you or someone you know could use a place to be seen, heard, loved (tough love included) and coached, I am here to help you reclaim your direction, get results and feel the fulfillment you deserve.
Love and light,